Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Touching the Sky: Laura Ling and Euna Lee

Every day is filled with the mundane. It starts the night before. You brush your teeth, shower/bathe, put on clean pajamas, iron your clothes, you do the same for your kids, and in some cases your spouse. You wake up the next day and do your daily grind, whatever that may be. Then, you do it all over again the next day until your work week ends, if you're fortunate enough to have an end to your work week. For most people, work is a means to an end and passion is found in other areas of life. For some, they are blessed to do what they love for a living, so they can't wait to go to work.

We run from one appointment to another and we forget that there are splendid and amazing things happening all around us. For example, I saw a family of geese one day walking across the street. There was a male and a female with about six goslings. I live in a pretty busy area, but these little geese stopped traffic on a four lane highway, although there was a green light in the middle of rush hour. It was like they had an angelic crossing guard making sure they made it across the street safely. The Bible says God's eye is on the sparrow so we should know He will look out for us. It just made me wonder what things occurred around me and my family that allowed me to get up and get out the house this morning, or to the store, or anywhere safely?

For some reason, maybe I wasn't paying attention in high school earth science, I just recently found out that a fog was actually a cloud on earth. That atmospheric nuisance that limits our vision when we drive, causes us to slow down (hopefully), and turn on our window wipers is something that we normally have to look up to the sky to see. Clouds are evaporated crystallized droplets of water suspended hanging together in the air. So, when we walk through a fog, we are literally walking through water.

Yet, some of us don't make it through our day. Some people are killed in war, or in some other senselessly violent way. Or, they die of some horribly devastating disease. I was raised to believe this is a temporary condition that God will correct one day. But, others believe differently and even blame God. However, today, August 4, 2009, two women and American journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, were pardoned by the North Korean government and allowed to come home to their respective families. They were convicted back in March of this year of spying on North Korea while doing a story on Chinese women and sex trafficking for Al Gore's media outlet, Current TV. They were sentenced to twelve years hard labor.

We have to live our lives. Bills have to be paid. Kids have to go to college. We have to feed and clothe ourselves. I just think it would be a good idea to roll down our car windows and touch the sky the next time we are driving through fog to remind ourselves that Someone is looking out for us and miraculous things do happen every day.





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